The Manthorpe G950 Weep Vent is used to drain lintels, cavity trays and to ventilate cavity walls. The product can be slotted between two bricks and mortared into position.
QMG Variable Size: 9mm x 65mm
Manthorpe Brown Weep Vent 9mm x 65mm
The Manthorpe G950 Weep Vent is used to drain lintels, cavity trays and to ventilate cavity walls. The product can be slotted between two bricks and mortared into position.
Manthorpe Buff Weep Vent 9mm x 65mm
The Manthorpe G950 Weep Vent is used to drain lintels, cavity trays and to ventilate cavity walls. The product can be slotted between two bricks and mortared into position. It provides an unobtrusive ventilation or drainage point for the cavity behind.
Manthorpe Terracotta Weep Vent 9mm x 65mm
The Manthorpe G950 Weep Vent is used to drain lintels, cavity trays and to ventilate cavity walls. The product can be slotted between two bricks and mortared into position. It provides an unobtrusive ventilation or drainage point for the cavity behind.
Manthorpe White Weep Vent 9mm x 65mm
The Manthorpe G950 Weep Vent is used to drain lintels, cavity trays and to ventilate cavity walls. The product can be slotted between two bricks and mortared into position. It provides an unobtrusive ventilation or drainage point for the cavity behind.