BG 10 Way 2x63A 30mA Type A RCD 10x B-Curve MCB 100A Main Switch Metal Populated Consumer Unit

Product Description:

  • 10 Way
  • 16 Module
  • 100A Switch, 2 x 63A RCD, 10 MCBs
  • MCBs: 3 x 6A, 2 x 16A, 4 x 32A, 1 x 40A
  • Curved, modern & stylish design of cover and visor
  • Easy access of cables via knockouts (20 and 32mm), in sides, top, bottom and rear
  • Gloss white finish to match BG white moulded wiring accessories
  • Fitted with spirit level
  • Floating busbar provides maximum installation flexibility
  • 10 Year Guarantee

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