Parallel Flange Channel 180 x 90 x 26 3.8m

Structural steel parallel flange channels, commonly abbreviated to PFC or C-sections due to their shape, are often used in construction as joist supports or as a replacement for steel columns due to their high strength and durability.

There are many advantages to using parallel flange channels in construction. It is easier to connect to them and flat washers can be used with a parallel flange, which is economical in terms of space.

Universal Beam 152 x 89 x 16 3.4m

Universal Beams, otherwise known as I-beam, UBs, I section, RSJs, rsj beams, h beam, steel lintels steel girder and load bearing steels.

Universal beams are essential for any major support or structural integrity in building construction. These steel beams are hard-wearing and strong.

RSJ or Rolled steel joists are very popular in the building trade used mainly for steel lintels. Small medium and large scale structural steel projects all use a variety of steel sections such as I beams, H columns and pfc channels.

Parallel Flange Channel 260 x 90 x 35 6.3m

Structural steel parallel flange channels, commonly abbreviated to PFC or C-sections due to their shape, are often used in construction as joist supports or as a replacement for steel columns due to their high strength and durability.

There are many advantages to using parallel flange channels in construction. It is easier to connect to them and flat washers can be used with a parallel flange, which is economical in terms of space.